- perform powerful mid-air attacks
- strike down foes from above by dashing off ledges
- this can also be done by falling off cliffs to land attacks
- every weapon will have unique jump attacks
- timing will vary between jump attacks
- some are easier to pull off than others
- this can result in an enemy stun, which lets you jump up and do a knife attack
- each stab fills up a a gauge
- the monster is flipped over to open up another attack when the gauge fills
- jump attacks for each weapon detailed
"Souchuukon" (Insect Weapon) – perform jumps in a pole vault like fashion to land a powerful slam
Great Sword – powerful downward slash
Long Sword – mid-air attack with the ability to perform a powerful jumping Spirit Slash after filling up the Spirit Gauge by striking down enemies
Sword and Shield – simple yet strong jump attack
Dual Sword – enter Demonization mode to perform an acrobatic mid-air whirlwind slashing move that can even include a finishing blow
Hammer – charge hammer and release it after a jump to land a devastating fully charged blow
Hunting Horn – similar to the Hammer minus the charge, but easier to pull off
Lance – one of only two weapons (the other being the "Souchuukon") that can perform jump attacks without the need of a platform, do a charging attack off a platform to land a piercing attack
Gunlance – jump off a ledge and land a smash attack followed up with a full burst finish as a powerful combo, also go straight to the full burst attack off a jump
Light/Heavy Bowgun – now able to reload while jumping
Switch Axe – Will have the ability to perform a switch attack in mid-air from Axe to Sword or Sword to Axe mode
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