Now People With Expensive Silver PCs Can Play GW2 Too
Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Sep 18 2012 21:00 GMT in Guild Wars 2
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Are you moderately to incredibly affluent? Then chances are high that you own a Macintosh computer. There is a slimmer chance beyond this that you have installed Boot Camp and thus Windows on your Macintosh computer, in turn allowing you to play whatever PC games you so wish. More likely you think it too complicated by half, or are like the guy who visibly recoiled, started shaking in fury/grief and needed consolation from his girlfriend upon seeing Windows running on my own Macbook.* Apple people. Whatever the reason you don’t also have Windows on your Mac, you might be happy to hear that Ncsoft’s jolly good subscription-free MMO Guild Wars 2 has just released a beta client for Macintosh computers.(more…)

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