Team Ninja feels Wii U could get people interested in consoles again, excited for Miiverse
Posted by GoNintendo Sep 27 2012 19:55 GMT in Nintendo Stuff
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The following comments come from Team Ninja's Yosuke Hayashi...

"The biggest difference compared to other Nintendo hardware released until now is that it is not trying to complete with 'only one' feature. Obviously, the Wii U GamePad is a huge feature, but the Wii U isn't only about that. There's the hardware performance, network capabilities and, of course, the titles that fully utilise these aspects. From this all-encompassing gaming abilitity I get the impression that this hardware could get many people to pay attention to console games once again."

Hayashi also expressed the potential he seesin Miiverse...

"The biggest change of direction from the Wii would be the Miiverse. It's usually introduced as a social networking tool, but I feel it has the potential to become a kind of virtual amusement park for game fans. With SNS [Social Networking Sites] making a lot of unique advancements, as a gamer, I am excited to see how the Miiverse will grow within the realm of console games."


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