Dead or Alive 5's new costume packs include fiend Hayabusa, cat ears, 'bartender britches'
Posted by Joystiq Oct 17 2012 04:59 GMT in Dead or Alive 5
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The latest slew of DLC costume packs for Dead or Alive 5 includes one awesome thing (above), some normal-lookin' street clothes and then a whole bunch of stuff we'd be embarrassed to describe in public.

"Kitty Pack," as you might suspect, includes cat ears and corset-ish catsuits for Christie, Helena, Tina and Lisa. The "What a Character" pack adds two maid outfits for Hitomi and Mila that are more of the "Octoberfest Bar maid" variety than the "French House maid" type you might expect, a slinky gown and mask for Lisa, and "bartender britches" for Rig.

Lastly, the "Special Set" gives Kasumi and Leifang access to their traditional overalls and panda-bear outfits, respectively, in addition to "fiend" Hayabusa and an even slinkier evening gown for Lisa. Each pack is available now for $4.99/400 MSP, and all three can be purchased together via the "Round 2 Costumes - Full Set" pack, which at the moment is only available on the 360 for 1040 MSP. PlayStation 3 owners looking for a sweet costume discount will have to wait until next week, when the Full Set becomes available for $12.99.

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