Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed - more details
Posted by GoNintendo Oct 17 2012 18:58 GMT in Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed
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- chunks of the courses crumble away or are destroyed
- your ride transforms when you pass through Transformation Gates
- on water, the pace slows
- wave physics can be used to knock competitors off their driving line
- flying rewards those that continuously divebomb with speed boosts
- driving involves lots of corner drifting
- pick up coins on the course to use in a slot machine mini-game during the race loading screen
- you can win a speed boost or some other bonus
- also get coins for hitting fellow racers with items
- lob guided missiles, get up close and deliver short-range shockwave attacks or plant giant bees and blowfish across the tracks
- avoid roving whirlwinds and chomping flying beasts to pillars of lava and awkwardly placed trees
- customise the strengths of your character through mod
- select a specific mod to jack up a vehicle's performance
- mode in five categories: speed, acceleration, handling, boost and balance

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