GoNintendo Review - Nintendo Land
Posted by GoNintendo Nov 15 2012 18:36 GMT in Nintendo Stuff
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Nintendo Land has a very heavy burden to carry. It is the one Wii U game out there that will teach consumers the ins and outs of the system. When you have a unique control system like the Wii U, you need a piece of software that showcases those options. Nintendo learned just how important that was with Wii Sports on the Wii. That one game was key to the Wii's early success. Wii Sports became one of the best-selling games of all time, and without it, the Wii would have never reached the level of success it did.

So yes, there's a ton of pressure on Nintendo Land. It's a pack-in game for those that go with the Deluxe bundle, but you can bet that the Basic consumers are going to look towards this game as well. It serves an absolutely huge purpose. This is the showcase that family and friends will present to one another when expressing their content or disinterest in Wii U. Does Nintendo Land have what it takes to take the torch that Wii Sports is passing it?

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