Persona 4 Golden is PS Vita’s Top-Rated Game
Posted by PlayStation Blog Dec 05 2012 17:32 GMT in Persona 4 Golden
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It goes without saying that PlayStation.Blog readers are the some of the savviest, most informed gamers out there. So it almost seems silly to tell you that since its launch on November 20th, Persona 4 Golden has held the honor of being the highest-rated PS Vita title ever according to Metacritic and Gamerankings. Are you surprised? Of course not, because you know P4G’s immersive 100+ hour adventure backwards and forwards. You know the grounded, relatable characters that are at turns emotional, then hilarious. (Trial of the Dragon, anyone?) You’re more than proficient at finding, fusing, and customizing all the best, strongest Personas to handle Kanji’s steamy bathhouse boss battle. You’ve memorized the list of upgrades and new content that have helped bring Persona 4 Golden to even greater heights of critical success than the beloved PlayStation 2 version it’s based on. We know you know all this and so have no desire to pump this blog post full of extraneous information. HOWEVER, as you may have a few less sophisticated people in your life (and let’s face it, don’t we all?), friends who may not be as familiar with the Persona series, we’ve prepared the following highlight trailer to give them a glimpse of some of the amazing experiences that are awaiting them if they’ll only smarten up and be like you! Persona 4 Golden is now available in stores exclusively for PS Vita, so be a pal and pass the news along. And hey, buy a few copies and impose your good taste on others. It’s the spirit of the season, ya know.

But enough about us! We know that plenty of you have been getting to know Persona 4 Golden over the past week. What’s your favorite quest so far? Any particular character tickling your fancy? Drop your thoughts in the comments below – we’re curious!

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