Zen Pinball HD loaded into the Android chute
Posted by Joystiq Dec 19 2012 08:00 GMT in Zen Pinball
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The folks at Zen Studios will not be content until their digital pinball wares exist on every platform known to man. Today the developer lets loose Zen Pinball HD onto the Google Play store, a free download for Android 3.0 devices and up.

Zen Pinball HD includes the "Sorcerer's Lair" table gratis - within the app, you may purchase up to 15 additional tables through micro-transactions, including selections from Zen Studios' lauded Marvel Pinball series of tables. In fact, the developer is offering a special sale price for each of those Marvel tables over the next week: $.99 each. You don't have to be a billionaire playboy to appreciate a good bargain.

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