PC Pancake: Razer’s Edge Is A Gaming PC In Tablet Form
Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Jan 09 2013 18:00 GMT in PC Gaming News
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Did you know that there’s a term for a device that’s between a phone and a tablet? In one on the worst portmanteaus of our time, they’re called ‘phablets’. That is gloriously awful, and I applaud every ugly syllable of it. The new Razer PC gaming tablet, the existence of which was announced last year as ‘Project Fiona‘, isn’t a phablet, but I can’t see why we can’t come up with a new term for it. After all, it’s a Windows-based tablet with all kinds of other gizmos attached. It needs something memorable. What about ‘Tabsolutely Phabulets’? Hmm, it’s not quite torturous enough. Tablets used to be called ‘slates’, before the MAN got his marketing team all up in its grill. There must be a compelling combination of all those words… of course! I have it. A term that accurately describes the upcoming Windows-based slate from Razer, which does everything a flat gamey thing does, but also more. And is black and shiny, and runs a full copy of Windows. Razer have named it the ‘Razer Edge’, but I think from now on it shall be known as the ‘Tabslatelutely Phabusl8te’. The ’8′ is for Windows.(more…)

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