Capcom calls response on digital survey ''fantastic''
Posted by GoNintendo Jan 09 2013 23:47 GMT in Nintendo Stuff
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This little nugget comes from Capcom USA's Senior Vice-President Christian Svensson...

I think the breadth of feedback we received was fantastic (more than 60K respondents) and I think Japan will think the same. So thanks everyone for taking the time.

The data collected was very telling and in my opinion easily gives a prioritized list of things I think we should do (conveniently enough, many of them are things we've been pushing for for a while). My next task is to convince the gatekeepers in Japan with the data (which they have in their possession) and ensure what we're working on fits with the complete digital strategy for the company.

Games of this sort take a couple months to greenlight and usually a year or more to make, so again, to set expectations, please don't expect any new news being driven from this survey in the short term. That said, we do have games already in development in this segment, some of which you'll hear about a bit later in the year.

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