WSJ: PlayStation 4 will launch this year
Posted by Joystiq Feb 01 2013 15:00 GMT in PlayStation News
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If your heart hadn't already made up its mind regarding the subject of last night's PlayStation tease, the Wall Street Journal flat-out said this morning the PlayStation successor is launching this year.

The financial publication cites sources familiar with the matter who say the event on February 20 will debut the new console. Sony will reportedly incorporate more social gaming aspects into the device and was driven in its design by how people interact with the unit, rather than by hardware upgrades.

The WSJ also mentions that Sony had considered removing the optical disk drive to make the device download only. However, and this is merely speculation on our part, this idea was dropped when company execs were visited by the ghost of the PSP Go.

So, there you go, next PlayStation being announced February 20.

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