Look at the secondary characters of The Wind Waker
Posted by GoNintendo 12 years ago in Nintendo Stuff
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Way before the Hyrule Historia, there was a guidebook for The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker. It was only released in Japan and contained a full strategy guide for the game. Next to the guide however, the Zelda Box also featured development interviews, comments and design sketches. GlitchBerri has researched the entries in the book and given the important information a full translation. We have provided you a link for part one before, but now in part two, it is all about the secondary characters.

As an example, this is how Aryll's name came to be:

The reason behind Aryll's name is that there's a girl named Marin in Link's Awakening, and a girl named Malon in Ocarina of Time. It was just an expansion on the idea of having a similarly named character. At first we were calling her Maril, but we eventually toned it down to what it is today.

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Thanks to ZeldaInformer for the heads-up!

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