Ubisoft's Uplay adds third-party games, EA's Origin nabs Ubisoft ones
Posted by Joystiq 12 years ago in UPlay
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Ubisoft's Uplay service, a hub for purchasing Ubisoft PC games, has expanded to include third-party titles from major publishers such as EA, Warner Bros., Focus Home Interactive, Freebird Games, Paradox Interactive, Telltale Games and more. A few games listed at launch are Batman: Arkham City GOTYE, Crysis 3, Orcs Must Die 2, The Walking Dead and To the Moon.

To entice potential customers to check out the new and improved Uplay, Ubisoft offers a free copy of one of the following games with a purchase of £16.99 or more (excluding pre-orders), now through March 4: Driver San Francisco Deluxe Edition, From Dust, Might and Magic Heroes 6 Deluxe Edition, Rayman Origins, The Settlers 7 Gold Edition or World in Conflict: Complete Edition. Uplay members can also redeem rewards for Assassin's Creed 3 and Far Cry 3 for free during this time.

As part of the deal, Ubisoft is throwing its own games onto EA's Origin service, another PC digital distribution hub.

In September, Ubisoft teased the idea of offering games from other publishers on Uplay, and said that the service would eventually feature things "beyond digital distribution."

At the time of publication, Uplay is down for maintenance.

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