Hey gwarf duy
Posted by Fortran 11 years ago in Fortran
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Don't listen to Crump, he's a notorious troll and elite hacker and whenever I ban him he takes out all my matrixes and unbanns himself. He's no good and only wants to use you. I, the lawful and good Imperial Wizard of Digibutter promises all the ponies and slice of life anime your heart can desire if you stay within my ranks as a loyal member of the bitlands, and whatever you do, do not be swayed by crumpuses promises of dwarven things, for all he has to give is misery.


Even if I'm the object of mild amusement between two seasoned forumgoers, it still entertains me so I guess that's the important thing.
Reply by TheDwarfyDwarfDwarf 11 years ago
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