If you can decipher this and post the image in this thread I will open up my secret room in betalands
Posted by Fortran Mar 05 2013 03:08 GMT in Fortran
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Reply by Penguin PornAce Mar 05 2013 06:02 GMT

You bastard.

Reply by Penguin PornAce Mar 05 2013 06:02 GMT
pengu is the star I shall now open the gate
Reply by Fortran Mar 05 2013 06:32 GMT
you know, i get that this is supposed to be an elaborate trick to make someone look like a brony, but it really only makes you look like a brony shadoo because youre the one that set it up
Reply by Nastasia Mar 05 2013 10:39 GMT
No, nas, using a picture of a pony was actually an elaborate security measure. There must be countless pony drawings, it's impossible to guess which one, therefor it's an adequate security scheme.
Reply by Fortran Mar 05 2013 22:20 GMT
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