This is just magnificent. Pippin Barr – he of clever little pieces of interactive braincode like Art Game, Hot Coffee, Pongs, and Epic Sax – has released a gleefully hilarious concept series. Titled Mumble Indie Bungle, the six game set wriggled forth from the following idea: “It’s meant to be this set of crappy indie games that someone perhaps bought for you, mistaking them for the originals. The challenge for me is to make the game that fits the title, and that is also somehow ‘wrong’ and would fit into this odd, misshapen bundle.” From that twisted test tube, then, was born 30 Flights of Loathing, Gurney, Proteas, World of Glue (my favorite), Spy Parity, and Carp Life. Seriously, play these. You will laugh heartily through your anguished sighs.