Nintendo explains how The Legend of Zelda dev teams work, shuffling staff to bring fresh ideas
Posted by GoNintendo 11 years ago in Nintendo Stuff
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Coming from a Kotaku interview...

"They kind of shuffle people in and out, so they'll sort of have their core group, but then they're bringing new people in and out, so that helps bring in fresh ideas. Each of the different games will have their main lead director, or maybe depending on the game, they may have two...Generally the way that the Zelda team operates is they may have one or two people who carry over or take the lead, but they do a lot of kind of jumping in and out in terms of moving from handheld to console, or vice-versa." - Bill Trinen

Nintendo kept telling us that Skyward Sword was the first step in a new direction for the Zelda franchise. There are indeed a lot of new ideas and unique twists in Skyward Sword, but some found that it didn't take things far enough away from Ocarina. We have a Wind Waker remake on the way, a true sequel to A Link to the Past and a promised Wii U Zelda game that's going to really change up the formula. Is this where Link looks to the past to truly embrace a new future?

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