No Star Wars games in FY 2014, EA says
Posted by Joystiq May 07 2013 23:14 GMT in Wii U
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EA won't launch a Star Wars game during its 2014 fiscal year - April 2013 to March 2014 - EA said during an investor call today. Yesterday EA announced it had signed an exclusive, multi-year deal with Disney to develop and publish games in the Star Wars universe.

EA released its FY 2013 results today, complete with expectations for 2014 that put net revenue at $3.50 billion. This is based on the launch of 11 games and 15 mobile titles, EA said during its call. In FY 2013, EA saw a net revenue of $3.797 billion, down from $4.143 billion in 2012.

"In fiscal 14, we will release 11 major titles across consoles, and on the PC. This includes our core sports titles," EA Labels President Frank Gibeau said, before listing the following franchises and games:

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