EA Cuts Ties With Gun Manufacturers
Posted by Giant Bomb May 08 2013 19:06 GMT in Gaming News
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Electronic Arts will still publish video games with guns in them, but it has severed official ties to gun manufacturers, Reuters reports.

The move comes during a national conversation about the role of guns, ideas to alter gun policy, and the role of guns in our media, video games or otherwise.

According to the publisher, it will still include “branded” guns in its games where appropriate, and doing so is protected by its right to free speech. That is yet to be legally tested.

Vice President Joe Biden met with leaders in the gaming industry in the weeks after the tragic Sandy Hook school shooting, which included now departed EA CEO John Riccitiello.

EA is scheduled to release Battlefield 4 later this year. Another Medal of Honor game is not expected for some time, as the franchise was put “on hold” after Medal of Honor: Warfighter disappointed critically and commercially. It’s also partnered with Respawn Entertainment, a studio filled with ex-Call of Duty developers, for its next project, which I’m told is a sci-fi shooter.

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