The aging horror of Kenji Eno's D
Posted by Joystiq 11 years ago in Warp
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This is Making Time, a column about the games we've always wanted to play, and the games we've always wanted to play again.
The inspiration to whip up a new column about an old game can come from anywhere, even a sad loss for the video game industry. In February, upon hearing about the death of Kenji Eno, I scanned Amazon and eBay for copies of his games, thinking I might write them up in remembrance, but ultimately never pulled the trigger on a purchase.

Two months later, I walk into a recently-opened used game shop (named ThrillHouse, if you can believe it), and what should I see under the glass? A boxed Sega Saturn copy of Kenji Eno's D in great condition, the creepy cover just as effective now as it was seventeen years ago. I gladly paid $30 for it.

Having played it for the first time since I was thirteen, Kenji Eno's D isn't as scary as I remember. While it isn't a very good game, I still find myself enjoying the experience.

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