Among the Sleep Kickstarter ends nearly $50k beyond its target
Posted by Joystiq May 19 2013 00:30 GMT in PC Gaming News
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Krillbite Studio's first-person baby simulator/horror game Among the Sleep has completed its 30-day Kickstarter campaign, raising a grand total of $248,358 from 8,110 backers - nearly $50,000 more than the $200,000 fundraising goal originally set.

All that extra cash will be put towards buying ice cream, Oculus Rift compatibility and a developer commentary track, though the campaign's bonus earnings didn't extend far enough for the "supersecret free DLC" stretch goal to be funded. Among the Sleep is expected to launch on PC, OSX and Linux during the fourth quarter of this year, but intrigued folks can go ahead and check out the game's public alpha.

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