Zumba Fitness World party goes cross-gen, available later this year
Posted by Joystiq May 29 2013 05:30 GMT in Zumba Fitness
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Zumba Fitness World Party will bring the generations together with sweaty support for current and upcoming platforms. The fitness franchise, which has sold over nine million copies, will launch its latest installment this October on Wii U, Wii and Kinect for Xbox 360. An Xbox One edition will launch after the new console comes out later this year.

If you or someone you care for is likely to pick up Zumba Fitness World Party (or could stand to), registering at zumbafitnessgame.com will net you a $10 coupon for the game at GameStop.

The bullet-point features for the latest game are over 40 new tracks, a new visual presentation with 14 celebrity Zumba instructors and 30 cultural dance styles. Our Zumba dance style regularly devolves into a crawling motion toward the nearest water spigot after any five-minute routine.

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