What Is Castlevania Ultimate? A Miserable Pile Of Content
Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Jun 06 2013 09:00 GMT in Kojima Productions
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OK, it’s actually quite a nice pile of content, but I really wanted to make the Symphony of the Night opening reference. Now then, that out of the way, we have a rather surprisingly unrelated game to talk about. Castlevania: Lords of Shadow – Ultimate Edition is actually a compilation of the recent Hideo-Kojima-tinged, MercurySteam-developed series pseudo-reboot, spanning Lords of Shadow 1, 2, and two add-on chapters. You’ll remember, of course, that Cara whiffed icy vampire blood percolating in Steam’s vapors back in March, but now it’s official. Scatter into a flock of bats and scream past the break for a trailer.


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