The animated awesomeness never stops. Whether it's a new game, a funny video or a talented artists' work, there's always something that looks better as a GIF. Let's gather some popular ones that surfaced and made the rounds this week.
It's good to see that after all those years, HelixSnake is still making his awesome, glitchy Skate 3 compilations.
Company of Heroes 2 and Deadpool came out this week. The soldiers in the former sometimes engage in rather suspicious activities. While the latter game is simply a gif paradise.
Brandon Larish's clickers are a bit different from the ones in The Last of Us.
Oh, actually there's a thumbs up version of the referee. That's very smart.
Pedro M. Filho continues to make awesome gaming gifs every day.
And finally... I swear it's not on purpose. This guy and the craziness around him just won't disappear from the internet.
Made something yourself or bumped into a cool GIF during the week? Hit the comments right away and post them!
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