I Really Want Planetside 2′s Firework Launcher
Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Jul 05 2013 19:00 GMT in PlanetSide 2
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Auraxis has fallen into night. We are Vanu (All hail Vanu), a small group of us are purplishly sneaking through the bracken. The New Conglomerate base is quiet, with all the meatbags snoring arrogantly, believing in their dominance. Never believe the map! Us Vanu, handsomest and best of all the races and cloaked in the night’s purple hue, approach. The quiet is deafening, the darkness near complete. Only the glow of war on the horizon flickers. We freeze: I spy a lone guard patrolling on the edge of the Amp station. The fools! I can destroy their defenses with a well-placed bullet. I steady my aim and fire.


And that’s why I shouldn’t be allowed to buy Planetside 2‘s firework gun.(more…)

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