Zatanna is the next Injustice: Gods Among Us DLC character
Posted by Joystiq Aug 07 2013 19:00 GMT in Injustice: Gods Among Us
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Well that was quick! It's barely been a week since Martian Manhunter began floating around the war-torn, interactive stages of Injustice: Gods Among Us, and NetherRealm Studios has already announced the game's next DLC character: Zatanna Zatara.

What's more, Zatanna is being released next Tuesday, August 13, for 400 MS Points/$5 on Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, respectively. As always, the announcement made no mention of Zatanna's potential/eventual availability on the Wii U version of the game.

Zatanna's in-game abilities appear appropriately magical, with her playstyle seemingly split between melee rushdown and top hat/wand-based zoning. We find it interesting that NetherRealm decided to base her look off of her classic appearance, rather than her New 52 regalia, since the majority of characters in Injustice have taken their design cues from DC's current generation. Who knows, though - maybe her alternate costume has some pants.

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