Thank Goodness: Peggle 2 And PvZ: GW Not On PC First
Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Aug 21 2013 08:00 GMT in Electronic Arts
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Oh man, phew. I was worried there for a second, but now I see that I was getting all worked up over nothing. But, I mean, seriously: what if Plants vs Zombies: Garden Warfare and Peggle 2 had come out on PC at the same time they debuted on Xbox One? It probably would’ve spelled the end of all videogames – and, let’s face it, life – as we know it. The Xbox certainly would’ve sold markedly less than one unit as a result. That’s for sure. Thankfully, Microsoft and EA have teamed up to save the day, pushing the PC (and, I suppose, other platform) versions of Peggle’s second coming and PvZ’s green-trigger-finger-ed reinvention into even murkier depths.


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