Batman: Arkham Origins free with select Nvidia graphics cards
Posted by Joystiq Sep 06 2013 21:30 GMT in NVIDIA
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Here's a dynamic duo for you: Right now, when you buy a qualifying Nvidia graphics card, you'll receive a copy of Batman: Arkham Origins for free when the game releases. That's good news for PC and Batman enthusiasts, as the PC version of Arkham Origins will boast Nvidia-specific tech like PhysX and TXAA antialiasing, as well as DirectX 11 tessellation and HBAO+ graphics options. It may even make omelettes if you ask nicely.

Pick up a GeForce GTX 660, 660 Ti, 670, 680, 760, 770 or 780 to take advantage of the Bat-bundle.

Nvidia pulled a similar move last month, when it announced that, as part of an "alliance" with Ubisoft, it would bundle Splinter Cell: Blacklist free with the same cards.

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