Assassin’s Creed IV On PC Has GODRAYS
Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Oct 29 2013 08:00 GMT in Assassin's Creed IV
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As you all know (and probably expected for months on end), Ubisoft decided to delay Assassin’s Creed IV’s PC release into November’s deepest waters. But why? How could this possibly make any sense? Well, I posit the following: it was an act of god. Wait, sorry, no. Godrays. AC IV has them, you see, but only on PC. And also only if you use Nvidia tech, because blah blah blah proprietary nonsense blah blah blah graphics. That does mean a subtly nicer-looking experience, though. And while I doubt Ubisoft gave our version a last-second shove so it could tighten up the graphics on level three, it’s at least something.


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