Agents Of Nvidia Shield: Stream PC Games To Couch & TV
Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Oct 30 2013 09:00 GMT in PC Gaming News
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“The Nvidia Shield already enables users to go literally anywhere,” says the press release that dropped in my mailbox. OK. I know some people might think they’ve changed the definition, but that’s like trying to argue that GIF is pronounced with a ‘j’ sound. It’s wrong no matter who says it. Does the Nvidia Shield allow me to go to Jupiter? Can I wield its strange handheld form while sat inside a physical manifestation of the concept of childhood opportunity, where summers felt endless and forests seemed to possess some fantastic secret deep within? Does it allow me to play games from inside a cat’s butthole?

No. But probably its new update would allow me to stream games from my PC to my couch or TV, and that’s pretty neat I guess.(more…)

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