Skullgirls publishing partners Autumn Games and Konami have ended their business relationship, but we can't confirm that the two don't go off for a cuddle every so often. Skullgirls patches for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 have apparently been held up due to some behind-the-scenes complications between the two companies, but that will no longer be a problem.
"Things have not always been hunky-dory between Autumn Games and Konami. Around the time of the last update, it became clear that it would not be possible to proceed with the new patches as long as Konami was involved with Skullgirls," wrote Peter Bartholow of Skullgirls developer Lab Zero Games in a company update. "So, as of today, Autumn and Konami have terminated their business relationship, allowing us to move forward with the PS3 and Xbox 360 patch in a more timely and cost-effective manner."
Bartholow notes the testing of the patches is "nearly complete," but now the team has to go through the digital paperwork shuffle of moving the game over to a new publisher. Autumn Games will be the game's PSN publisher, but because "Microsoft doesn't support purely digital publishers," Autumn is partnering with MarvelousAQL for Xbox Live, otherwise "Microsoft would simply delist the game from the Marketplace."
"We apologize that these deep business dealings have come between you and the first character your collective efforts have funded, but we're confident that subsequent patches will go more smoothly with this all of this behind us," Bartholow concluded.
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