Blizz On World Of Warcraft’s Procedural Future, Warcraft IV
Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Nov 15 2013 15:00 GMT in Titan [working title]
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By most estimates, World of Warcraft is now 17 million years old. Typically, Internet scientists carbon date it by slicing open expansion packs and counting the rings, but there is some controversy surrounding that method. One thing’s certain, though: WoW’s been at the top of the MMO food chain since before man invented either food or chains. Its age is starting to show, and even Blizzard’s willing to admit that. And while WoW: Warlords of Draenor is working its time travel magic on the MMO kingpin’s dry, cracked landscapes, it’s still fundamentally the same game. But could that change someday? Well, WoW will probably never morph into EverQuest Next, but Blizzard told me that it’s definitely looking into procedural and user-generated content to revitalize its slowly withering world.


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