Assassin’s Creed IV’s First Story DLC Focuses On Slavery
Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Dec 17 2013 12:00 GMT in Assassin's Creed IV
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The bulk of Assassin’s Creed III’s story DLC was rather silly (though disappointingly self-serious about it), but Assassin’s Creed IV has its eyepatched sights set on much grimmer subject matter. There’s still plenty of pirating to be done, but this time the backdrop is a St. Domingue (Haiti nowadays) ruled by savage slavery. As a former slave himself, new player character and former Black Flag sidekick Adéwale naturally gets involved – though not without some initial reluctance. Given that gaming’s often wont to gloss over this sordid truth of our world, I am hopeful that Assassin’s Creed IV: Freedom Cry will tell a worthwhile tale. The fact that Assassin’s Creed: Liberation scribe Jill Murray is involved doesn’t hurt, either.


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