Norwegian school teaches ethics with The Walking Dead
Posted by Joystiq Jan 18 2014 23:00 GMT in PlayStation Vita
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A teacher at Nordahl Grieg Upper Secondary School in Bergen, Norway, is using Telltale's The Walking Dead video game to help teach students ethics. Norwegian news station NRK has a report you can watch above, but we suggest turning on captions - unless you speak Norwegian.

As part of his religious studies class, Tobias Staaby has students take anonymous polls which are centered around events of the game. When Glenn wants to save a woman trapped at a motel for example, Staaby asks his students if it's the "right thing" to do.

"I want a good catalyst for discussions about ethical theories or ethical dilemmas," Staaby told NRK. "This game provides the students with a space they can navigate and discuss within based on the curriculum." Staaby said he hopes his method will become more common as time goes on. We're inclined to agree, and who says it needs to be limited to ethics classes? Imagine Business 404: Zombies and You. Yeah. You're welcome.

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