Amazon lists Dark Souls 2 for PC release date as May 31
Posted by Joystiq Feb 02 2014 18:30 GMT in Dark Souls II
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Amazon has listed Dark Souls 2 PC Steam keys for pre-order, with a tentative release date of May 31, 2014. Only a digital, standard version of the game is currently listed, with the Collector's Edition and Black Armor Edition nary to be seen. We already knew the console version of Bandai Namco's upcoming RPG would be coming to crush our dreams - and bones - on March 11, but were merely told we'd have to wait "shortly thereafter" for a PC version.

Before you get too excited, be aware that there are some eyebrow-raising qualities about this listing: for one, the date is at the very end of the month, which is often retail-speak for "does not actually come out this day, but probably sometime around it." Second, May 31, 2014 is a Saturday - not exactly the most popular day of the week for a game to release, even if it is a game that will likely suck up most of your weekend time.

Those grains of salt firmly taken into your hand, feel free to do with this information what you will.

[Thanks, Justin!] [Image: Amazon]

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