Gauntlet reboot needs food badly this summer
Posted by Joystiq Mar 17 2014 14:30 GMT in PC Gaming News
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Gauntlet, the original co-op dungeon crawler, will return this summer to a home-based arcade near you. Announced only for Steam on PC at this time, the game will also have full support for SteamOS and Steam Machines.

Warner Bros. revealed the "completely modernized action RPG" will be part of its direct-to-digital WB Games Vault portfolio. The initiative will deliver downloadable games based on WB and Midway arcade brands, along with original intellectual properties "across multiple digital networks."

"With Gauntlet we combined the arcade style of the original game with an entirely new look and feature set that includes emergent, local and online four-player gameplay," said SVP of digital at WB David Haddad.

Gauntlet is being developed by Arrowhead Games, best known for creating Magicka. The game is being We'll hopefully have more details to share about the game this week after seeing the title at this week's Game Developers Conference in San Francisco.

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