Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls review: All you need is kill
Posted by Joystiq 10 years ago in Blizzard Entertainment
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With Diablo banished once again, the people of Sanctuary have finally found themselves in a place of peace. Five minutes later ... The angel of death, Malthael, steps in as the latest evil force descending upon the land, once again raising the question of why Sanctuary's citizens never consider moving somewhere nicer.

Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls brings in a terrifying new villain with a frightening motivation. In a bid to end the eternal conflict between angels and demons, Malthael seeks to rid the world of demons by absorbing all of the demonic essence found in every living creature. Though it would bring some semblance of tranquility to the universe, humanity would be also destroyed, as a small part of each person's soul is demonic. Malthael, aware his plan will eviscerate all of humanity, in unfazed and torments anyone who attempts to stop him.

Just another day in Sanctuary.

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