The PAX East 2014 "Here's Where We're At" List
Posted by Giant Bomb Apr 09 2014 16:42 GMT in Gaming News
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I forgot my toothbrush. I always forget something when I pack for trips like this, and this time it's my toothbrush. That's not a big deal, I can always run out and pick up another one. It's not like the time when I forgot to bring shirts to Japan, a country that is not set up to sell shirts that even resemble something I could wear. That was way worse. So I'm going to write this post about our PAX East schedule and then hit the streets of Brooklyn in search of a toothbrush (and some floss and lip balm, because hey, let's go all out).

I tend to enjoy myself at PAX and PAX East, it's a good time to get out, meet some people, see a few games, and hang around. We also get to get up in front of a crowd and talk garbage for multiple hours, which is pretty much my second-most-favorite thing to do in the whole wide world. We're doing it again this Saturday, and some of us have thrown in for multiple panels this year.

Also, for the first time ever, our PAX panel is scheduled to be livestreamed. We're not producing the stream, but the plan is to embed the official PAX Twitch player in our chat on Saturday night and Sunday so those of you not attending the show live can see it. But if you're on site, you should come see us in person! Say hi! Touch Brad! Kiss Alex!

Everything kicks off on Friday with a pair of events...

"Why Internet Jerks Aren't Going to Win, And You Can Help"

This panel will feature Patrick and Zoe Quinn, both of whom have experienced some total bullshit on the internet, and they've got some ideas about why it happens and how we, as a society, can move on from at least some of this negativity. I suspect no actual internet jerks will be in attendance, which is unfortunate, since they probably need the most help in realizing that they're garbage people made of actual garbage. Human garbage, basically. I want to see this panel!

Atlantic Beer Garden, 146 Seaport Blvd.

We're going to a bar for a couple of hours and GameSpot's footing (some) of the bill. Come by and say hi! Talk F1 with Danny and Drew! Hey, if you think you're going to come out for this, do us a solid and RSVP on this Facebook page, if you can. You don't need a ticket to attend, they just want to get a general sense of how many people are coming out for this. This overlaps with part of the Cards Against Humanity panel, which sounds pretty amazing this year, so weigh your options carefully, friends!

OK, that's Friday. Saturday is pretty quiet for us during the day, but then there's this...

The Giant Bomb Panel That We Do At PAX

This is why we're here. What will be on this panel? I have no idea. We'll be there for a couple of hours, talking mess and dragging up some of our friends to cause all sorts of new trouble. Last time out, Johnny V and John Drake almost got into a fist fight! Can we make them go at it for reals this year? Will we call Adam Boyes and make fun of him for getting sick and skipping PAX this year? You're going to have to come and see for yourself.

Sunday is another busy day, with a few of us scattering to appear on a handful of additional panels.

The Royal Rumble

Alex and I will be here along with Rich Gallup, Eric Pope, Max Temkin, Dave Lang, and about 24 more people to play the Royal Rumble mode in Wrestlemania 2000 for the N64. Alex has been practicing. I have not. Who will come out victorious!?!?!?!??

404ing It: Breaking (Down) the Internet

Myself, Eric Pope, and Max Temkin will be appearing on this special PAX edition Pat Baer's long-running UCB show. We will discuss the internet, videos that can be found on the internet, and the best ways to watch said videos. Don't miss it!

Or, actually, maybe you want to miss it... I won't be hurt, but only if you're skipping out on us to see this panel...


Vinny Caravella and Rich Gallup have produced various productions both in and out of the video game business for years and years and years. They'll swap stories and attempt to dispense a little wisdom about how you (yes, you!) can produce. Ask Rich to see his special "produced" hand motion, it's really something else. I want to see this panel! Maybe we can get a feed of this panel piped into the 404ing It panel and we'll just goof on them. I already know Rich's secret hand motion, how hard could this "production" stuff be, anyway?

OK! That's it for PAX, I need to get out and find this toothbrush. See you guys in Boston!

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