MAG: Massive Amount of Game data
Posted by Joystiq Dec 11 2009 08:15 GMT in MAG
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Click to MAG-size. There's been some confusion about MAG, Zipper Interactive's 256 player super-multiplayer game. Some had wondered if the game would be made available as a PSN download, similar to Sony's other online efforts, like Warhawk and SOCOM Confrontation. However, Jeremy Dunham replied on the PlayStation.Blog confirming that the game will be "disc-based only." Dunham also added that "the game is so huge when moving everything off-disc, your hard drive is secretly thanking us." Anyone that participated in the beta will likely complain about the massive amounts of data that had to be downloaded during each game update. Considering the beta is but a taste of what's to come in the full game, the necessity for a retail-only release seems all the more evident.

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