Message from Carp
Posted by Slim Jan 21 2010 00:34 GMT in Slim
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Mr. Clean: this is my absolute last message to anyone ever and the message is that inflexible bitch of a stepmother of mine refuses to acknowledge that she's ever had a part in any domestic problems even though she's the unreasonable, *crag*ing retard that starts 90% of it
Mr. Clean: and friday was gonna be my 16th birthday too
La Grande Skott I Rumpa: );
Mr. Clean: have a good life
La Grande Skott I Rumpa: Hopefully you will too
Mr. Clean: I didn't and won't be able to since I'll be dead
La Grande Skott I Rumpa: ):
La Grande Skott I Rumpa: Here's hoping you won't be
Mr. Clean: oh no I'll be dropping a 30-pound box on my head
Mr. Clean: you were the best, man
La Grande Skott I Rumpa: You were too D:
La Grande Skott I Rumpa: I'll miss ya, buddy


He was a good man.  


): i hope he didn't actually do it
Reply by Nastasia Jan 21 2010 01:02 GMT

Mr. Clean has changed their name to Head Honcho Carpaccio (dead).
Head Honcho Carpaccio (dead) has changed their name to Head Honcho Carpaccio (an hero).

Reply by Slim Jan 21 2010 01:09 GMT
He should totally got for the HOWS IT HANGING? achievement right about now, or better yet do HIGHWAY TO HELL first with his mother then HOWS IT HANGING? That way he still did some of his in real life achievements before killing it, nowutimsayingnigga?
Reply by Fallen Shade Jan 21 2010 02:17 GMT
In all seriousness I hope he doesn't do it.
Reply by Popple Jan 21 2010 02:42 GMT
He probably isn't going too anyways
Reply by Fallen Shade Jan 21 2010 02:45 GMT
Oh that sucks. But like Goron said he won't do it.
Reply by Flar3 Jan 21 2010 03:32 GMT
goddammi that *crag*er better chicken out and throw a bottle at the bitch instead
Reply by weedlord bonerhitler Jan 21 2010 04:59 GMT

Carpaccio: oh wait I forgot
Carpaccio: that was just drama
Carpaccio: as in acting
Carpaccio: but still my 16th birthday is Friday
Carpaccio is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.


Reply by Slim Jan 21 2010 16:53 GMT

Reply by MM Jan 21 2010 18:08 GMT

He's turned trolling into an art form.

Reply by MattTheSpratt Jan 21 2010 20:53 GMT
Reply by Nastasia Jan 21 2010 21:13 GMT
well carp you tricked flavi
flavio kindof had a feeling that you were just *crag*in with us
but eh
Reply by weedlord bonerhitler Jan 22 2010 00:18 GMT
It was kinda obvious from my end but good job for getting people to take you seriously
Reply by Fallen Shade Jan 22 2010 00:46 GMT
wait flavio missed the part where he said the an hero thing
well that makes it pretty *crag*ing obvious he was bullshitting
Reply by weedlord bonerhitler Jan 22 2010 01:38 GMT
You call that trolling? That isn't trolling.
Just wait a few months. I'll *crag*ing show you how to do suicide you *crag*ing bitch.
Reply by Popple Jan 22 2010 14:20 GMT
I'm sorry, people.
Reply by Carpaccio Jan 22 2010 22:41 GMT
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