Here are the Mega Man 10 Achievements you'll never earn
Posted by Joystiq Jan 22 2010 21:00 GMT in Mega Man 10
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If you managed to get all of the Achievements in Mega Man 9, then either your father's name is Jor-El or you're some kind of robotic boy yourself. Well, the Achievements (via Xbox360 Achievements) for Mega Man 10 look like they're going to be along the same lines: incredibly tough to unlock. Actually, some of them are identical to Mega Man 9, including the Achievement for defeating all eight bosses with just your standard weapon and finishing the game in under an hour. But, there's even tougher ones this time, such as the ridiculous defeat the eight bosses without your helmet on, the extremely ridiculous clear the game without using any energy, mystery, or weapon tanks and even the ain't ever gonna happen clear the entire game without taking any damage. However, there's hope in Easy Mode -- it's possible some of these could be unlocked by playing the game that way, though we were unable to get confirmation on this from Capcom. As for PS3 Trophies, it's a safe bet they'll be the same as the Achievements.

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