Mad Catz reports growing profits, hints at new Super Street Fighter IV joystick
Posted by Joystiq Feb 09 2010 23:00 GMT in Super Street Fighter IV
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Accessory company Mad Catz released its earnings report for the third quarter of its fiscal year (ending December 31, 2009), with numbers that suggest its wares are selling like mad. Net sales came to $48.8 million, which is "the second-best quarter of sales in the company's history." Profits increased 51 percent over the same period in the previous fiscal year, a change Mad Catz attributes to its movement out of low-price controllers and into higher-end specialty accessories. Hello $150 FiightStick!

In its announcement, Mad Catz also listed the controllers and accessories it plans to ship in the near future. In addition to the new Super Street Fighter IV "Tournament Edition S" FightSticks (pictured above), the release also reveals plans to sell a new Super Street Fighter IV edition of the standard FightStick. It's as of yet unconfirmed if the standard stick will be given a new layout and shell like the superified Tournament Edition stick, or merely new artwork.

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