Super Street Fighter IV's newest challengers in action
Posted by Joystiq Feb 18 2010 00:45 GMT in Super Street Fighter IV
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It seems like only yesterday we were telling you about three more confirmed characters for Super Street Fighter IV. Wait -- it was yesterday. So then, we assume you know about Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike's Ibuki, Makoto and Dudley joining the game's roster. Now would be a good time to tell you that a trailer -- in HD, no less -- has hit YouTube, showing the newcomers pulling off their special moves (as opposed to the ho-hum ones we tend to use). There's something a little odd though ... oh, right -- Capcom USA still hasn't made an official announcement about any of this. Maybe everyone there is playing the StarCraft 2 beta.

Check our the trailer after the break.

[Thanks, Jon!]

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