Green Day: Rock Band features all of 'American Idiot'
Posted by Joystiq Apr 04 2010 01:30 GMT in Green Day: Rock Band
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In a recent interview with G4TV, Harmonix's Chris Foster revealed that Green Day's dumbest album will be featured in its entirety in the band's upcoming dedicated rhythm game. Yes, Green Day: Rock Band will feature all 13 tracks from the rock outfit's 2004 album "American Idiot," which features the song "American Idiot," which starts, "Don't wanna be an American Idiot."

We know there are plenty of youngsters who prefer "American Idiot," but we'd much rather hear that all of "Dookie" or "Insomniac" would be included in the game. Or all of "Vox Humana." Which -- nope, wait. Yeah, that's Kenny Loggins. We mixed up Green Day and Kenny Loggins again.

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