Super Street Fighter IV getting balance fixes along with DLC next month
Posted by Joystiq May 21 2010 17:30 GMT in Super Street Fighter IV
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According to Andriasang's translation of a post on Capcom's Japanese blog, the developer is planning to roll out a patch for Super Street Fighter IV on June 15 -- the same day as the release of the game's Tournament Mode DLC -- which will remove a few exploits and address some balancing issues players have discovered since the title's launch. For the full list of (highly technical) changes included in the update, just click past the jump.

The patch remedies a few sizable issues, such as the unblockable Ultra exploit -- however, it doesn't return E. Honda's "Thousand-Hand Bitch Slap" maneuver to its original, unbeatable glory. Hopefully that particular fix will come in a later update.

[Via 1UP]

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