Review: APB (Day 4: Cards on the table)
Posted by Joystiq Jul 09 2010 23:46 GMT in APB
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Review Diary
  • Day 1: Welcome to San Paro
  • Day 2: Enforcers, get enforcin'
  • Day 3: Choose your illusion
  • Day 4: Cards on the table
This is the final part of a four-day review diary about the first MMO from developers Realtime Worlds, APB.

One of the hardest parts about reviewing an MMO is that the genre takes full advantage of being online and persistent. Because players need to log in to an updated client every time, developers can quickly and relatively easily push out new bugfixes and content with regularity. Realtime Worlds has already released one patch post-release for APB, and while I've talked about certain issues with repetitive gameplay and earning customization levels, both of those issues can be fixed with updates if the developers choose to do so.

So the final question in reviewing an MMO isn't necessarily if you should buy this game today or not. It's: Does the game offer enough promise to invest your time and attention? Future plans included, out of all the games you could spend your free time on, is APB capable of rewarding that investment with a quality experience?

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