Franis 2: The Great Mountain Adventure (Demo 5)
Posted by Lord Crump Jul 10 2010 02:58 GMT in Franis 2: The Great Mountain Adventure
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In this version of Franis 2, all of the optional content is, more or less, finished. There are a total of 3 optional summons (With a mandatory one coming in a later version), and a total of 6 optional party members which added to the mandatory party members makes a grand total of 8 party members. Here are all of the party members and summons, and hints as to how to obtain them.

Flavio: Flavio will join you during the main quest. Through the mighty power of Flurrie's melons, he can prove to be a deadly ally.

Kooper: Franis's trusty canine companion will join you during the main quest. He can charge at enemies for massive damage.

supermsn: An ice cream shitting anthropomorphic taco. In this game, he prefers COLD environments...

Jr. Troopa: Jr. Troopa will toss deadly turtle shells at his enemies. He will join you if you find his hidden Playground; that is, if you can defeat the assassins who are tracking him down...

darkz: darkz will join you on your quest if you can help him out with a big, hungry, and most importantly HEAVY problem.

MeowMixer: This strange individual will join your quest without question. That is, if you can FIND him...

Yellow: Yellow is quite possibly the most formidable ally any adventurer could hope for. However, franis will have to search the STARS and beyond to find him...

Popple: A sleezy thief who will aid your quest if you can help him steal from a notorious gangster...

As for the summons:

Celeste Dimentia: A healing spell (Since I didn't get the sprites from you, CD, I just used Dimentio to represent you).

Magnus von Grapple: A powerful X-Naut machine that fires a barrage of projectiles at enemy units.

Tails Doll: A cosmic horror of untold power. However, you will definitely EARN his power... (And yes, bobz, I toned up the difficulty on that boss by quite a large margin, so you probably WILL have to have all of the upgrades to beat him)

Also, the file size is kinda large for a Game Maker game, so grab a soda or something while it downloads.


"And yes, bobz, I toned up the difficulty on that boss by quite a large margin, so you probably WILL have to have all of the upgrades to beat him"

i take this as a challenge

brb beating him without upgrades

Reply by THAT BOBZ GUY Jul 10 2010 03:44 GMT
haha yeah right
you can't beat me
Reply by Tails Doll Jul 10 2010 03:57 GMT
also, replacing the right arrow from move right to move right and face the opposite way of 98% of your enemies is a bad thing when 98% of your enemies will be on the left side
Reply by THAT BOBZ GUY Jul 10 2010 03:57 GMT
the reason why I added in the ability to shoot both directions is because the fights become far more dynamic after the first "chapter"
To prevent cheating in the first chapter (By sneaking up behind an enemy and unloading), I put in barriers to prevent you from wrapping around
Reply by Lord Crump Jul 10 2010 04:05 GMT
"Unexpected error occurred when running the game."
Reply by sims Jul 10 2010 17:42 GMT
How about a lock button so that you don't turn around when you don't want to?
Reply by weedlord bonerhitler Jul 10 2010 18:31 GMT
The turning around thing makes some of the fights harder, I found that the fight with Flavio was a bit more difficult now.
Reply by ©na Jul 10 2010 19:05 GMT
rip boreal
Reply by Monocleton Jul 10 2010 19:15 GMT
@Aggrieved: Dunno what to say; for most people it works dandy, though there are still a few who can't get it to work. With the next version (Which will hopefully be the FINAL version) I'll also release the .GMK so you can debug it and edit it for yourself.
@Flavio: Yeah, I'll probably add that to the next version.
Reply by Lord Crump Jul 10 2010 19:21 GMT
137mb is not large
Reply by FrozenWinters Jul 10 2010 20:45 GMT
Shut up FW
Reply by Monocleton Jul 10 2010 20:51 GMT
Why is Flavio impossible to beat.
Reply by Monocleton Jul 10 2010 21:39 GMT

you have to kill the flavio rangers first

you can go through the top of the screen to the bottom, so abuse that to beat them

Reply by THAT BOBZ GUY Jul 10 2010 22:01 GMT
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