Franis 2: The Great Mountain Adventure Message Board

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Posted by Lord Crump Sep 26 2010 14:26 GMT
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With a fancy party banner and gimmicky stuff like text filters and fancy party avatars and all of that good stuff

well it is francis after all. I suppose we owe him that much.
Lord Crump
I'd assume he'd be a little bit of both

Posted by Lord Crump Aug 11 2010 20:56 GMT
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Gentlemen... BEHOLD!


Embark on an epic quest of epicness as you take control of franis as he hikes the Appalachian Trail! There will be laughs, and there will be tears! Oh, and did I mention? There will be BEARS!!!111!!!1!1!!!ONE

Controls: Arrow keys move franis, press "space" for franis to face the same direction as he moves (And "space" again to unlock the direction he is facing), and "S" to shoot

Main Version:

No Sound Version:

>856 MB
Lord Crump
I would've thought the spooky music and scenery would have been a warning of things to come
plus, GM isn't programming; there's some optional scripting involved (lol scripting != programming), but I didn't bother with that (Just used the drag n' drop interface)

Posted by Lord Crump Jul 23 2010 22:46 GMT
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User-suggested changes from the last version: "Move Lock" feature (Press space and you don't change firing direction when you shoot), load button on the start screen


If you have any small or minor suggestions that you want me to consider, this is your last chance to do so. Nothing too big, though (Like a boss or something), because I'm almost done.

Tails Doll
The teleports in Brem's shop are just annoying. make them fixed
Ph1r3 App Inventor for Android's visual block language
franis 3 should have me playable

Posted by Lord Crump Jul 10 2010 02:58 GMT
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In this version of Franis 2, all of the optional content is, more or less, finished. There are a total of 3 optional summons (With a mandatory one coming in a later version), and a total of 6 optional party members which added to the mandatory party members makes a grand total of 8 party members. Here are all of the party members and summons, and hints as to how to obtain them.

Flavio: Flavio will join you during the main quest. Through the mighty power of Flurrie's melons, he can prove to be a deadly ally.

Kooper: Franis's trusty canine companion will join you during the main quest. He can charge at enemies for massive damage.

supermsn: An ice cream shitting anthropomorphic taco. In this game, he prefers COLD environments...

Jr. Troopa: Jr. Troopa will toss deadly turtle shells at his enemies. He will join you if you find his hidden Playground; that is, if you can defeat the assassins who are tracking him down...

darkz: darkz will join you on your quest if you can help him out with a big, hungry, and most importantly HEAVY problem.

MeowMixer: This strange individual will join your quest without question. That is, if you can FIND him...

Yellow: Yellow is quite possibly the most formidable ally any adventurer could hope for. However, franis will have to search the STARS and beyond to find him...

Popple: A sleezy thief who will aid your quest if you can help him steal from a notorious gangster...

As for the summons:

Celeste Dimentia: A healing spell (Since I didn't get the sprites from you, CD, I just used Dimentio to represent you).

Magnus von Grapple: A powerful X-Naut machine that fires a barrage of projectiles at enemy units.

Tails Doll: A cosmic horror of untold power. However, you will definitely EARN his power... (And yes, bobz, I toned up the difficulty on that boss by quite a large margin, so you probably WILL have to have all of the upgrades to beat him)

Also, the file size is kinda large for a Game Maker game, so grab a soda or something while it downloads.


"And yes, bobz, I toned up the difficulty on that boss by quite a large margin, so you probably WILL have to have all of the upgrades to beat him"

i take this as a challenge

brb beating him without upgrades


you have to kill the flavio rangers first

you can go through the top of the screen to the bottom, so abuse that to beat them

Posted by Lord Crump Jul 02 2010 06:32 GMT
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There are plenty of new rooms, but only two new fights. The reason for this is because I spent most of the time trying to get the shop and World Map to work, but I think I got everything working. Since adding in EXP n' shit would make this too complicated for its own good, I decided to make currency and EXP the same thing. Basically, you go to Brem's shop, and you can purchase a number of upgrades with the score you've racked up. Here are the items with the prices:

Sticky (2x damage): 2000 points

Announcement (3x damage): 4000 points

Banhammer (4x damage and not destroyed by projectiles): 6000 points

Double damage (Self explanatory): 8000 points

Safeguard shell (50% chance you'll take damage from projectiles): 4000 points

Invisibility shell (No more instant kill from enemy collision): 8000 points

Party upgrade x2 (Increases the attack of all party members by 1): 5000 points each

Hot Pocket (Restores health; repurchasable): 500 points

As for the new encounters, one of them respawns every time you re-enter the room, so you can point farm and get more items (If you're willing to waste your time doing that, of course). The other encounter is Tails Doll, who is going to be the hardest (Optional) boss in the game when it's finished (In future versions, I plan on his defeat unlocking him as the game's strongest summon, as well). You're probably not going to be able to defeat Tails Doll right now (Unless you somehow obtain all of the upgrades), as he has 1000 health.

Tails Doll
Nice! I do like the shanty from Final Fantasy VI, and I also like how I live in the Forest of Illusion. Keep it up.

nevermind that, it was prolly a glitch or something

ps i beat tails doll with only one upgrade

Posted by Lord Crump Jun 29 2010 03:40 GMT
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Changes: multiple new rooms, two new bosses, a new partner, an actual chance to test out your FIRST partner's abilities, and THE PLOT THICKENS.

This is made with a different version of Game Maker, so if it still doesn't work for you, Nassy, or you, Dim, then all I can say is that I'm stumped. You'll eventually be able to play this GLORIOUS shoot-em' up game thingy, though, don't worry.

The instant kill on the flavio rangers is annoying.
Also can they be killed? Do they share health with Flavio?
Lord Crump
Boo Boo should follow the same general pattern (As in changing vertical direction when he hits the top of the screen and horizontal direction when he hits the bottom)
In the upper half of the screen, in between the left edge and the middle, there is a spot that Boo Boo should not touch
You WILL have to move around in the fight following that, but if you can recognize where the adds are spawning (And take full advantage of the wrap-around screen), you shouldn't have to worry too much

Posted by Lord Crump Jun 28 2010 04:05 GMT
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Here's the second version of Franis 2. The big changes are healing items, a new room, a new party member (Most of this version's changes were dedicated to the party member logic, which I couldn't get to work for some stupid reason, until now, that is), and you can save and load games (Saving after each fight is a pretty good idea).

If you're one of the few people who could not get the first version to work, try downloading this one and see if it runs. I'm still unsure of what the problem is; if you get an error, screencap it for me.

Lord Crump
top left icon; the little franis with the S

Posted by Lord Crump Jun 27 2010 06:19 GMT
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So I assumed Plastic Mario wouldn't mind/care if I took that old franis Game Maker game he made a long time ago and turned it into a sequel of sorts (Of course, if for some strange reason he DOES mind, I'll stop immediately). Like the original, members of digibutter will make appearances in the game (With starring roles for loafSKZ, Nastasia, and franis, obviously).

Here is the first demo. It only has one "level" so far, but who gives a shit. It's a demo. :3

Controls: arrow and s keys. And yeah, this is related to the "Digibutter: The Game" project.

it doesn't even work dumbass
Lord Crump
Don't worry, Flavio; you're going to have an even BIGGER role (Although being a boss is part of it)