ESRB accidentally releases email addresses of Real ID complainants
Posted by Joystiq Jul 13 2010 04:10 GMT in World of Warcraft
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In a stupefyingly ironic turn of events this evening, it appears that the Entertainment Software Ratings Board has revealed the entire list of email addresses of people who appealed to the ESA's rating group over Blizzard's recently proposed and then retracted Real ID implementation. According to our World of Warcraft-focused sister site, the ESRB issued a response letter to the nearly 1,000 folks who had emailed with complaints about Blizzard's decision -- unfortunately, it seems that rather than hide everyone's email addresses, someone hit "reply all."

We've dropped the letter itself beyond the break, which, as points out, concludes with a statement espousing the ESRB's "Privacy Online" program. Whoops! All that said, mistakes will happen from time to time -- unlike Blizzard, though, the ESRB can't simply take this back.

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