During a Comic-Con panel, Capcom's Keiji Inafune offered a scant few details about Mega Man Universe, the Mega Man crossover game (or something) teased by an amazing stop-motion trailer, which you can see again after the break -- it's wonderful!
"We wanted to preserve as much as we can of the classic 8-bit Mega Man feel, while allowing players to project their own Mega Man onto the game," Inafune said. So it'll have an 8-bit look like Mega Man 9. "We wanted to create a platform where players can play as their favorite version of Mega Man, another Capcom character -- or maybe a different character completely," he added. "You'll be able to play as the Mega Man of your dreams."
The proposed cross-Capcom, cross-character play actually makes us think of another recent 8-bit game (unofficially) starring Mega Man, Super Mario Crossover. "The game will also unite Mega Man fans," Inafune said, "putting them together in one specific place."
The awkward, golden Mega Man from the original NES Mega Man 1 U.S. box art will even make an appearance, as he did in the teaser. "We talked about how crappy the original package art was, but there's somebody out there that loves that one and probably wants to play as him." (The trailer, by the way, was info-free for a reason: "We made the trailer purposely mysterious, because we wanted to play on the idea of what Mega Man is," Inafune explained, citing the changing face of the Mega Man series over the years.)
Finally, Inafune teased that another big Mega Man announcement was on the way soon, which would address an "oft-requested" desire from fans.
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